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Ninety-Mile beach

Ninety-Mile beach

As we told You before, we meet in Whangarei some german speaking people, so we met Gabi who is living up north at the ninety-mile beach at a place called Hukatere near Pukenui.

She invited us to visit her place and that is exactly what we did. We drove up north and passed the Whaopoua forest, where you can find huge Kaori trees, thousands of years old, and now protected because in former times they had been cut a lot of them and now they are very rare. By the way we passed an amazing and beautiful area on the way up north and it is always breathtaken.

When we reached Gabis place she took us to her, far from the others, residendence and we could not believe our eyes. It is such a quiet and peacefull place, everything is in its natural rhythm and harmony. There are no cars, no people, TV or telephone. We were totally disconnected, what was fabulous. Gabi let us just feeling free and enjoy the place. Actually she is running a lodge there, but she is not sure if she wants that everybody knows that place, because she will get very busy. So I promised her to write this and of course people can come to this place but have a contact first and you will see.
The idea was to stay at this place and help Gabi whatever she needs on that area. And it is a lot of things to do. So we made for her a vegetable garden, made some fences and keep the place tidy. She has some animals, like 2 dogs ( Zorro/Miro ), 7 wild horses and hens. So we had a lot of things to do, but in a good way and not forced. We felt very good with that work and even we were very proud when we finished and at the end of the day it was a good and satisfied feeling.

We had some breaks by going to the beach with the dogs or searching the horses on the area and feeding them with apples or just have a walk around. For sure I will miss that place. Whenever I will need some peace and silence, I will have a vision of that place.

We also made some friendship with some oppossums, in the nighttime they often come and try to visit us and our storage place for the food, scratching at the door or under the wooden floor. Thank YOu very much Gabi for having such a good time at your place.

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