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Laos ein Traum

Laos ein Traum

Hello out there in the world, wherever you are right now, let you know that you are a witness of these following impressions, and for sure you`ll gonna love it !!!

We left Thailand and made the countrychange.

Arrive in Laos:
We arrived at the border to Laos and we had to cross the Mekong to a town called Huay Xai which is just addapted to the arrivals of foreigners. We choosed a room and it was, lets say o.k. Anyway we were excited to be in Laos, because had a different imagination of it. So we slept not so deep, because our lovely neighbour Max could not sleep and didnt give a chance to the others. Max, actually is the French Guy we met in Pai and we fell in love to each other. yes , its true, we are together now.

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