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Lao people

Lao people

children of the river:

It is great to watch the children how they live and grow up there. Of course there is a need for education in basic things like write and read and learn languages. But the children learn to be independant and to take responsebility for their own. And they do it with a natural and easy way.

They learn to treat each other with such love and happiness that our children are not used to.They have such a beautiful surrounding that they have their own surviving intelligence. They learn to help their parents as goos as they can and they do it quite well. And they are so creative in playing games with less things and they life seems to be fullfilled and satisfied more than westerners.

And they love their rivers.
They are nearly all the time at the river, swimming and playing with the water. The river is the mother of them. They go into the water, like to be huged of her and it looks so natural. They are a part of the nature, because the nature loves them and gives them all they need. It is so great to watch that and we can feel this happiness too.

But slowly,slowly the TV is coming around and starts to catch them, but still not as it is in our countries.

The life of this people is directed by the surrounding. it is hot and not so much to do. But they don’t want to do so much. As a fallang you maybe can think they are lazy, but it is their way of life, because they say that too much work is not good for your brain. I felt always disturbing them in it when I asked something or wanted something, but they are always friendly and you know that you are an fallang and this is how their are.

So many people with a different kind of life…..

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