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Auf den Spuren von James Bond

Auf den Spuren von James Bond

James Bond Island:

If you are somewhere around Kao Lak, so you have to visit James Bond Island. With the parents of Anja we booked a trip to that island with a long tail boat. We drove to Pang Nga and met our guide. The boat was a old looking one and not so safety, but we trusted because we had to, even when we saw that the guide was putting the water out of the boat because there was coming water inside.

First we passed some amazing looking mangroves channels, going through caves and passing big rock islands on the way. So we enjoyed the trip to there a lot. Arriving the place we met some tourist, but not so much as it is used to be, so it was o.k. to go around and making pictures and making posing pictures like James Bond. Oooh, we breathed the same air like him and I really felt like to be an agent, but maybe as James Blond 69.

But suddenly a storm passed over and and it started to rain heavily and we had to hide ourselves in a cave which was nearby. Actually Marcel enjoyed the rain and started to shake the rain-dance. Heya, Heya, Heya Ho. This was the chance for some guys to sell plastic raincoats for a good money and many people bought them , encluded us. I think they made a contract with the weather gods, I’m sure.

After everybody bought one the rain slowly dissapeared and we could start our journey back. We wanted to do some paddelling but we decided not to do, because the weather was not so nice to do it. Glad to be back we arrived in our dry car and went to our more dry and bigger resident Merlin ressort and had a hot shower to warm up.

Yeeeaah, this was good and I really can watch the James Bond movies in a different kind of way and I can imagine what this guy had to stand.

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