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Art and crafts centre

Art and crafts centre

Creative spirit:

On our path in searching for creative people, it was our destiny to pass the Quarry. It is an art centre which includes a wide range of art activities feat. several organisations as well as individual artists and artisans. The creator of that centre was a lady named Yvonne Rust(1922-2002) and she started at an age when most people are thinking of retirement. The main idea is using and exploring local materials like glass, pottery, clay-making facilities, tannery, papermaking and paintings.

A landscaping area were constructed, making good use of earthbuilding techniques. There are also working studios with built-in accommodation available for emerging artists and craftpeople, providing an opportunity to develop skills through shared resources. The chance to interact with other artists, visitors and arts groups. Included there is the Quarry Craft Shop, a cooperative of local artists and craftpeople, who offer for sale a selection of finest art and craft works.

The Quarry also runs regular school holiday art programmes, where children have the choice of several courses to do. Anja was invited to offer a course in felting with sheepwhool and so the children can explore this natural local material and be creative and having good experience and lots of fun together. If you are interested for

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