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You can imagine how it is when you are mobile and can move around and do whatever you want. This is exactly what we did. We had a few trips to some nice beaches and beautiful places. Northland is full of farms and you can find a very wildlooking vegetation. It is so impressive that you might think this is the last paradise. If you go to the beaches, all the local people do surfings and it is fantastic to watch them when they ride their waves.

And even if you stare at the sea and the waves it is so huge and wonderful. People: Since I found the job, I met so many people and they are so great and interesting. Some were immigrating from different countries all over the world. They like they way of living here and they say that if you were once in Nz you will come again and stay and start a new life.

This is said by their own experience. I met people, been travelling all over the world by boat, musicians or just ordinary people who escaped from the strength system of their countries. One guy said to me: “ I had the choice between money or life. So I went to Nz and choosed the life.“ I think there is nothing more to say. Everyday is new for us, because everyday is coming new and we are just wondering….is this true?

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