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Riding Therapy

Riding Therapy


We were lucky to meet the right people, leading us to a special place: It is Whangarei horse riding for disabled people. When we went there we’re been welcomed and the people there always happy to meet others, being interested in their work. This is a place, where disabled people come to get in touch with a special way of therapy: the horse riding.

There are coming children or adults every day being treated in their specific disorder. Special trained horses are used as a medium for reflexion. It is also used for children who have problems in orientation or behaving. They learn how to solve problems and transfer this into their daily living.

It is used for children with physical diasablities, to train the sensibility trunk stability, balance and muscle tonus. So they can keep or learn new skills and capabilities. So we had the chance to assist with task and also trained how to work handle with the horses. It is a very interesting and good job what they do in this place.

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